Philippe Piguet
Art critic and exhibitions curator, Philippe Piguet, born in 1946, is the artistic director of SOON PARIS, DRAWING NOW PARIS and of the Chapel of the Visitation in Thonon-les-Bains. He collaborates regularly on magazines “L’œil”, since 1985, and “art absolument” since 2002. He is the author of numerous works and texts of catalogues as well as art films.
She commands the fund of graphics art at the Artothèque, Espace d’art contemporain, and she manages the exhibition curatorial of the place.
She leads a research work about the conditions of the accession of art in the daily life and on its reception on the different publics.
Sha was the founder and the president of the Association for the Development and the Research about the Artothèques (ADRA) from 1999 to 2005. She directs the conference Les Artothèques, des outils novateurs au service de l’art et du public (Artothèques, new tools for art and publics) in 2000.
She has collaborated to many publications: Actions/publics pour l’art contemporain, 00h00 (2000), Bibliothèques/lieux d’art contemporain : quels partenariats ? FFCB (2001), Arts en bibliothèques, éditions du cercle de la librairie (2003), Le musée et la création contemporaine – Icône – Image – Musée de Sens CEREP (2010). Elle a dirigé le séminaire Face à l’œuvre, Des collections d’art contemporain et de leur réception, à Caen (2010).

Claire Tangy

Cécile Pocheau Lesteven
As the curator of France’s National Library’s collection of contemporary prints and artists’ books in the Department of Prints and Photography at BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France), Cécile Pocheau Lesteven leads the conservation, furtherance, and enhancement of this prime collection of printed works created in France.
Thanks to regular communication with publishers, printers, and artists, Lesteven strives to convey the energy, diversity, and ingenuity of contemporary endeavors in the realm of printmaking.
Curator of the exhibition “From Picasso to Jasper Johns. The Workshop of Aldo Crommelynck” (BnF, 2014) as well as of the forthcoming exhibition of prints by Miquel Barceló, to be held at the BnF in 2016, Lesteven also contributes to the magazine Les Nouvelles de l’estampe (“Printmaking News”).